i would like to repky to one of the lady in the video commenting why there is filipino,chinese ,indian and pakistani people dancing in this show.i agree that no matter where we go,we’ll always remain nepali but she have to bear in mind that we are in hong kong. as everyone knows that hongkong is an internaiotnal city with different nationalities and people,we love to celebrate different cultures together. And the funding or money of this programe is given by Hong Kong Government so it is important for this Neplese Organisation to include other nationalities people to perform our share thier culture with us. It may be Teej but it is very important to have a diverse enviromnet so that there won’t be any racail conflict
3 Responses for "TEEJ 08 in HK"
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hi there
my name is amar i live in uk and a always like to see this hk nepal site i am really happy with this site just i would like to say thank you
i would like to repky to one of the lady in the video commenting why there is filipino,chinese ,indian and pakistani people dancing in this show.i agree that no matter where we go,we’ll always remain nepali but she have to bear in mind that we are in hong kong. as everyone knows that hongkong is an internaiotnal city with different nationalities and people,we love to celebrate different cultures together. And the funding or money of this programe is given by Hong Kong Government so it is important for this Neplese Organisation to include other nationalities people to perform our share thier culture with us. It may be Teej but it is very important to have a diverse enviromnet so that there won’t be any racail conflict
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